During pregnancy, the body undergoes a number of significant changes. Rapid weight gain occurs, changing the appearance of areas like your stomach, legs, face, arms, and your entire figure. After pregnancy, many women find it difficult to get rid of their excess body fat, and the struggles of raising a newborn make it difficult to find extra time to dedicate to working out and dieting.
At Dounsiz Lipo Center, physician Dr. Mark Hennessy can restore the toned and fit appearance of your body with a mini-mommy makeover. This procedure uses power-assisted liposuction to drain away unwanted fat from the areas of your body most affected by your pregnancy.
Dr. Hennessy will perform a series of liposuction procedures on the upper and lower abdomen, flanks, bra strap area, chin, upper arms, and inner thighs. He will attempt to complete all the areas in one day, but additional procedures may be required. Using power-assisted liposuction over traditional liposuction will provide more natural-looking results with a relatively short recovery period.
With a mini-mommy makeover, you can spend less time worrying about your appearance and more time focusing on enjoying the memories you will be making with your family. If you are interested in receiving a mini-mommy makeover, please contact Dounsiz Lipo Center to schedule a consultation.